Cyprus inform

«Medieval Cyprus» – an interactive exhibition in Limassol

Historical atlas

The main exhibition of Cypriot history, Historical Atlas, which gives a new perception of the cultural history of Cyprus, opened in Limassol.

The project offers visitors a sense of a brand new reality. Here, the geographical area of Cyprus is not just copied but imaginatively recreated as a dynamic model of the Middle Ages. Its structural elements are the architecture and the landscape, infrastructure and animal life, as well as the unique everyday life of that time.

It allows you to see Cyprus as a kind of fantasy island, where it’s possible to change or add something. It’s both an imaginable reconstruction and the real country where we live – it’s our Cyprus.

The main exhibition of Cypriot history, Historical Atlas, displays the usual spatial perception far beyond the native city, village, or neighbourhood to which we are accustomed.

The model combines the uniqueness of the individual regions and universal world civilization. At the same time, a symbolic image in the layout reflects such fundamental values as tradition, people’s livelihood, cultural heritage and historical memory – all that’s inherent in us from childhood, but which is not always rationally understood.

An interactive audio guide and video sequence helps visitors understand the visual images. After the exhibition, guests may discuss the experience of the 45 minute trip to the Middle Ages in a comfortable seating area.


Thus, a simple acquaintance with Cyprus turns into an exciting adventure through unique and innovative technology, affording us greater awareness of our favourite island’s historical realities.

The reconstruction of Medieval Cyprus took more than 7,000 hours of hard work with 3D printing technology, and we are now happy to share this discovery with you!

The exhibition is open to visitors daily from July, 24th.


Open daily from 08:30 to 20:00.



€ 14 -for adults;

€ 8 – for children.


Medieval Cyprus. Historical Atlas

12 Andokidu Str., 4046, Germasoya

Limassol Cyprus

Tel.:+357 25 310692

+357 97 846367

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