Cyprus inform

Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus

Seven Against Thebes

Wednesday, 12th July and Thursday, 13th July at 9pm

Aeschylus’ political tragedy, Seven Against Thebes  by National Theatre of Northern Greece will be presented in Kourion ancient amphitheatre in Limassol as part of International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama programme.

When his horrific deeds are revealed, Oedipus leaves the throne to his two sons, Eteocles and Polynices, who agreed to rule Thebes in rotation. However, when the time came for Polynices to take reign, Eteocles did not keep his promise. This provoked the wrath of Polynices, who allied with the king of Argos Adrastus and organized a military campaign against Thebes.

Seven leaders of each of the two rival armies lined up on either side of the seven gates of Thebes. Eteocles–the tragedy’s only real protagonist–and Polynices end up facing each other outside the seventh gate of besieged Thebes as Eteocles tries to organize a counter attack in a battle which is destined to have no real victor.

Tickets available:

Performances in foreign languages will be offered with English and Greek subtitles.

All performances in Greek language will feature English subtitles.

For additional information call 70 002414 or visit


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