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Кот по кличке Босс получил должность менеджера

Pic shows: The cat Bossy, the communication director Catbox.ro A company in Bucharest has hired a cat as a communication director. Catbox.ro is an online store with original presents that can be sent in 24 hours to loved ones. The company decided to take its name seriously, and said last month that they are looking for a cat that would supposedly become its communication director. Now after a round of auditions they say they have recently found the proper candidate and "Bossy" as he is now known as already signed a contract with the company. The job means that the new communications director will be expected to stamp up to 20 presents a day with his paw prints, to do the voice-over and company videos, to be frequently photographed and most important – to act as an inspiration to company staff. For his first day at work Bossy was collected in a limousine containing four secretaries, and was dressed in a suit for the occasion to create the right impression. Company spokesperson Alexandra Cozac said: "He came dressed in a suit like a corporate manager and had an impressive attitude. He checked the computer and seemed quite intimidating particular because nobody really knew what message he was trying to convey. I guess it's the first demo and he needs time to settle in." And his salary at 150 EUR (110 GBP) a month including bonuses of cat food worth 50-EUR (37-GBP) and other perks is already more than many people in rural areas where typically people take home little more than 100 GDP a month. (ends)

Румынский кот по кличке Босс получил должность менеджера по коммуникациям в местном интернет-магазине подарков Catbox, сообщает Huffington Post.

Как пишет издание, кот породы скоттиш-фолд регулярно становится героем различных фотомемов, которые сотрудники публикуют на страницах магазина в соцсетях. На снимках Босс одет в деловой костюм.

Зарплата Босса составила 216 долларов, причем четверть данной суммы будет выплачиваться кормом, а остальные деньги получит хозяин шотландского вислоухого.


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